Joseph L. Akerman, Photography
Los Angeles, California

The Road

Please scroll down to enter the Spring 2021 Gallery.

Hollis Masked Moving

"Hollis, Masked, Moving"

grand conjunction winter solstice 2020

"Grand Conjunction
Winter Solstice 2020"

Hawks Dancing

"Hawks Dancing"

Tropic Winter

"Tropic Winter"

Spring 1

"Spring #1"

Spring 2

"Spring #2"

brennan island

"Brennan Island"

Merced River

"Black Glass"

Salinas River

"Salinas River

Santa Barbara Channel

"Santa Barbara Channel
Winter Solstice 2020"

California Leaving

"California Leaving

Portal 3

"Portal #3"

Don Pedro Reservoir 6

"Don Pedro Reservoir #6"

Caged Bamboo

"Caged Bamboo"

Alta Vista 1

"Alta Vista #1"

Gordon’s Dream

"Someone Once Had a Dream"

Nature Critiques Capitalism

"Nature Critiques Capitalism"

The Road

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Photographer's Statement.

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This website and all photographs herein are copyrighted.
Joseph L. Akerman, 2010 - 2023.
All Rights Reserved.